About Us

ARTEAC-LAB is an innovative young company based in Marseille, specialized in electroacoustic systems engineering, active control and signal processing. Our company operates in two main areas:

R&D services for large industrial groups and startups

Internal development of cutting-edge technologies


We help our customers to create or improve electroacoustic devices or functions used in their products


We develop custom software for audio measurements and processing. We also develop algorithms and real-time codes for several embedded targets.


ARTEAC-LAB products are based on a long experience in R&D, allowing to propose innovative solutions for sound synthesis and active noise control.

Some of our Clients

From Our Blog

Headphone characterization

Long-term exposure to sound may lead to damages and even losses in the auditory system. That is why the European directive 2003/10/CE dictates that sound exposure in the workplace should be regulated [1]. The French Law reflects this in the article …

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Active Headrest

Among our research activities, the active headrest is a typical topic as it encompasses many of our field of interest and expertise. Since the beginning of the year, we have been leading a collaborative project aimed at developing an innovative …

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    Contact us

    Please contact us for any need or question about electroacoustics design, measurement embedded audio processing or active control